Experience the NEWU Difference

Wellness; The pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.

- Global Wellness Institute

mind, body & Spirit


Through the ancient discipline of yoga practise, our teachers will guide you to restore balance between your mind, body and spirit as you move through a sequence of yoga asanas and breathwork. We offer Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin classes, suitable for beginners to experienced yogi’s and everyone in between.

strength & fitness

Personal Training

At NewU, we work with you to develop a custom and targeted approach in line with  your fitness goals. Through strength conditioning, agility and high intensity training, integrated with yoga and cardiovascular fitness, our goal is to maximise your energy efficiency, improve physical function and help you to achieve your targets.

Health & wellness


As an accredited nutritionist and health coach, we know that one approach does not fit all. At NewU we believe in the old adage, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." We will teach you nutrition principles in order to maintain a lifetime of health and wellness.

Meet Our Newu trainers

david laidlaw
David aka 'The Phoenix' is a qualified personal trainer and yoga instructor who developed NewU to meet the needs of people wanting to undergo a physical transformation in a positive and safe environment. Like The Phoenix rising from the ashes, David transformed his life after life-changing circumstances, and has now committed his life to helping do the same for others.
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kylie lee
Kylie is our Vinyasa Yoga instructor, who is captivated by the dynamic ashtanga method and creative vinyasa flow. Having taken multiple pilgrimages to practice yoga techniques and philosophy in India, Bali, London and Copenhagen, Kylie believes yoga is an entire system which connects us to the rhythm of the breath allowing us to feel more alive and more present in each moment.
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Kelsee is a certified Breathwork Facilitator who believes breathwork allows us to harness our ability to create calm and access a state of peace through stillness, no matter what is going on around us. Breathwork has taught her to experience the present moment - thoughts, feelings & sensations - and Kelsee loves sharing the magic and power of the practice with others.
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"Every session I have with David is a joy"

I wanted to rebuild myself and I needed someone who was the right fit for me. When I came across David, his life experiences spoke volumes and I was ready to give him a shot.

Despite the 1.5 hour round-trip to my PT sessions, every session I have with David is a joy. I truly believe what he offers is second-to-none.

David has a unique skillset; he listens carefully, he's a good teacher, coach and mentor.

I'm now lighter, harder, better, fitter and stronger in my life and I've experienced a significant positive shift in who I am.

My advice for you -- Don't wait, grab life by the horns and get into the moment now.

- Graham


NewU's mission is to move and inspire as many people as possible, transforming their lives
through education, fitness, health, nutrition and spiritual awareness.
  • 1) Empathy
    To be aware of the clients challenges and guide them through. The Phoenix has conquered many of these challenges.

  • 2) Trust
    Develop trust in each other, empowering deep and meaningful relationships.

  • 3) Honesty
    Say it how it is.

  • 4) Goal Oriented
    Keep the clients objectives in mind and with a precise path on how to achieve their goals.

  • 5) Abundance
    To help and share ideas with others, including other trainers in the field.

  • 6) Positivity
    Maintain a positive “I can” attitude at all times.

  • 7) Integrity
    Our word is our bond. We expect our clients to be the same.  

  • 8) Education
    Introduce philosophy to allow the client to grow through physical, emotional and spiritual awareness (mind, body and spirit oneness) and nurture the client to a new level of consciousness.

  • 9) Respect
    Teach self-respect and respect for others. The client’s wellbeing is paramount

  • 10) Help
    Be there to help with whatever matters to the client.

where to next?

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