yoga for a new
mind, body & soul


Ashtanga Vinyasa
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm
Kylie Lee
Kylie teaches Ashtanga Vinyasa, a precise sequence of postures, linked together with vinyasa sequences, breathing technique, gaze points and coordinated movement with the breath.


Hatha Yoga
6:00 am - 7:00 am
David Laidlaw
This energising yoga practice will help you wake up, ready to take on the day.


Mindful Yoga
6:00 am - 7:00 am
David Laidlaw
Connect your mind and body through a combination of Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga.
Yin & Yoga Nidra
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
David Laidlaw
Our gentle and reflective yoga class is finished by guided meditation. Bliss!

“Here is, in truth, the whole secret of Yoga, the science of the soul.
The active turnings, the strident vibrations, of selfishness, lust and hate
are to be stilled by meditation, by letting heart and mind dwell in spiritual life,
by lifting up the heart to the strong, silent life above,
which rests in the stillness of eternal love, and needs no harsh vibration to convince it of true being.”

― Patanjali, TheYoga Sutras of Patanjali. the Book of the Spiritual Man

yoga at newu

'Yoga' is derived from the Sanskrit root 'Yuj', meaning ''to unite'. In simple words, it is a practice of uniting the mind and body.

My intention is to demystify yoga and make it accessible for anyone who has the desire to achieve the total benefits that yoga can give.

Through our different styles of yoga classes, I will gently open your mind to the possibilities that await.

Regardless of how flexible, inflexible, young or old you are, yoga is for everyone and we all have to start somewhere.

I look forward to teaching you in Our Yoga Room, soon.


benefits of yoga


Yoga helps to reduce stress, improve mental health and can help you to sleep better. A calm mind can also enhance creativity and concentration.


Yoga assists with improving strength, balance and flexibility along with  boosting metabolism and improving cardiovascular health and blood flow.


Yoga is a mindfulness practice where you can focus your attention on experiencing the present moment without interruption or judgment.

our yoga classes

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga follows the primary series (a precise sequence of postures), linked together with vinyasa sequences. As well as the postures, it includes a specific breathing technique, use of bandhas, drishti (gaze points) and coordinated movement with the breath.
The primary series is the first series students learn, a foundational practice which provides the basis for the other five ashtangavinyasa sequences. The Sanskrit name for the primary series is yoga chikitsa, which can be interpreted as “yoga therapy.” It is given this name because it is said to purify and heal the body.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa Yoga is an active form of yoga combining strength, stability, balance and cardio. It is dynamic and can include flowing āsana, breath awareness, prānāyāma, meditation, inner inquiry and weaving of mythology and sanskrit chanting.

Hatha Flow Yoga

Hatha Yoga is an ancient path of Yoga, with an emphasis on controlled breathing, posture and building core strength. Through gentle but deliberate flows and postures, you will challenge your strength and flexibility while focusing on relaxation and mindfulness.

Mindful Yoga

Our Mindful Yoga classes offer a combination of different styles of Yoga, to give you the best of each. With a combination of Yin, Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga,  with gentle breathwork and meditation, each practice offers a holistic balance of movement and calm.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra

Yin Yoga is slow-paced style of yoga, with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles. Yoga Nidra (or yogic sleep in modern usage) is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, typically induced by a guided meditation.


The course is guided 1 on 1, and is designed to take the novice or beginner through a concise course that explains the ancient teachings of yoga and gives the participant a clear understanding of yoga postures as well as philosophy (how to live a happier more fulfilled life). It includes pranayama, meditation and much more.  

Over the 10-week course, we are guided by Patañjali in his 8 limbs of yoga path, with the course including:

- 10 x 1 on 1 private 60-minute sessions.
- Each week we will explore one aspect of the 8 limbs of yoga, a pranayama technique, yoga asanas and meditation.
- All course literature and materials.
- Full access to your teacher via email and text.
- A complimentary yoga mat.
- Access to all group classes (unlimited sessions); there are 4 to choose from.

Each week you will be expected to do the following in your own time;
- Practice the asanas given.
- Read materials given.
- Practice the philosophy principle as explained and outlined.
- Practice meditation as taught.
- Practice the pranayama technique as taught.

At the conclusion of this course, you will have a clear understanding of yoga principles and foundations, understand the main postures, the breathing techniques, meditation and more.At NewU, we also offer a private 1:1 yoga course for those looking to fully immerse themselves in yoga philosophy and practice, and challenge their body and mind.  


NewU Yoga Classes
from $14.50 per session
Casual Rate (1 Session) - $18
10 Sessions - $150 | 20 Sessions - $290
10-Week Private Yoga Course
$128 per session
10-Week 1:1 Private Yoga Course
Full Inclusions Outlined Above - $1,280
Family Pass - Unlimited Yoga
$290 per month
Unlimited yoga classes for you & your family
4 Classes to choose from

the 8 limbs of yoga

The objective of yoga is to help the practitioner achieve a sense of peace and inner balance, which strengthens both the mind and the body and activates our inner natural healing processes. It helps acquire abetter state of mental and physical fitness. Some consider yoga as an art or a science, because when it is performed on a regular basis, a healthy balance of the body, the mind and the spirit are achieved. These contribute to an improved quality of life and can lead to peace and perfect health for the rest our lives.
The techniques of yoga were perfected in India over 2500 years ago. The earliest written records date back to 2000 BC and are known as the Yoga Sūtra of Patañjali, a sacred text containing a collection of aphorisms that describe, in detail, what is required to find inner peace and strength in your life.
The eight steps (also known as limbs) of yoga are described in the second chapter of the Yoga Sūtra and form the basis of a yoga practice. Although they were written more than 2000 years ago, they are still applicable to the lives we live today. As we work our way through each of the eight limbs, we will gradually experience the effects of a well-balanced body and mind, which are in fact, inner strength, peace and harmony.
These eight limbs are as follows:

1. yama

Consisting of 5 universal moral commandments
to achieve peace.

1. Ashimsa (non-violence),
2. Asteya (non-stealing),
3. Satya (truthfulness),
4. Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), and
5. Brahmacharya (celibacy or fidelity).

2. niyama

Observances, rules, and guidelines; Awareness of oneself
through personal discipline.

The Yoga Sutra describes five different Niyamas,:

1. Saucha (cleanliness),
2. Santosha (contentment),
3. Tapas (self-discipline),
4. Svadhyaya (self-reflection), and
5. Ishvarapranidhana (surrender to a higher power)

3. Āsana

Physical postures to strengthen the body and the mind.

4. Prāṇāyāma

Healthy breathing techniques to control energy/prāṇa

5. Pratyāhāra

Practicing control over the senses.

6. Dhāraṇā

A state of mind when the mind is fully focussed.

7. Dhyāna

State of meditation, leading to enlightenment and peace.

8. Samādhi

Connection with universal energies, life and nature.

A state where the body and senses are at rest,
but the mind and reason are alert.

where to next?

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